5 Must-Knows When Creating A Job Posting

Attracting the best talent is essential when looking for prospects to fill your vacancies. An effective job posting can play a huge part when trying to engage with candidates and benefit your team’s culture.
Attracting the best talent is essential when looking for prospects to fill your vacancies. An effective job posting can play a huge part when trying to engage with candidates and benefit your team’s culture.
Here are a few tips that can help you create a job posting that engages quality candidates!
A clear job title is essential when writing a job posting, being able to instantly recognize whether a job is a good fit or not can improve your talent pool and reduce your hiring time. For example “Director of Youth Ministry Assistant Coordinator” may be accurate, but it’s not a succinct title which is important for online postings. Strive to be both concise and accurate.
The job description is one of the most important parts of your job posting as this gives candidates an insight into the job role and your organizational culture. A description should ideally be one page long. Too much information and candidates gloss over it and application rates decline, but not enough information and they don’t get a robust sense of the opportunity.
Be specific about what you are seeking in a candidate, and what the job requirements and duties will be. It is also a good idea to clarify qualities that are more “ideal” compared to “must-have”. This will help job seekers to know whether or not they should take a chance and what your vision for the role is. Sometimes great candidates disqualify themselves, so be sure to encourage people who feel they might be a fit to apply!
Ensure you use relevant keywords throughout the job title and your description, this allows job seekers to find you through keyword searches and for your MinistryHub™ posting to get more traffic. For example, an “Executive Pastor” position benefits by including terms such as: “church,” “management,” and “staff leadership” within the post.
Presenting your organization in a professional manner is key to attracting qualified candidates. Avoid any potential misunderstanding/misrepresentation by using grammar/spell-check tools and asking others in your team to proofread your work. If you expect to attract excellent candidates, ensure your posting reflects that same effort and excellence.