How To Overcome 3 Common Lies About Success

‘Success’ itself is an elusive term. We all have different measures and metrics of identifying what success looks like in our lives. While definitions may vary, what is true is that almost all of us at some point buy into some dangerous lies about what’s required to succeed…
1: Success Requires You To Work Ridiculous Hours
Some people say the only way to true success is to work ridiculous hours and fall into bed every night exhausted from the day’s work. But this only leads to extended burnout, additional stress, fatigue, and an overall negative impact on your physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
Working ridiculous hours is a bad strategy because it assumes that you’re a machine, that your energy never deteriorates, and that you can keep perfect focus. The truth is as hours worked increase, performance decreases so if you want to be more effective, work a little less as you’ll probably achieve more.
2. You Can’t Take Any Real-Time Off
Another myth about success is that you can’t take any real time off if you’re going to be successful. This is particularly true in ministry positions where the needs of others can feel overwhelming and constant. The reality is that God calls us to Sabbath rest – to slow down and intentionally be unproductive – simply rest and enjoy time with God and others. Real rest not only refuels and rejuvenates you, but it also fuels better work – a rested you has far more to give back when you come back.
3. If You’re Burning Out, You’ve Been Faithful
Burnout is not an indicator of healthy faithfulness! While running a good race in life and ministry can be hard work, it shouldn’t be overwhelming. The more we slip towards burn out and wear it as a badge of hard work, the more likely we become to justify unhealthy patterns that are dangerous for ourselves and those around us. God’s desire is never for us to be burned out, but rather to be energized and healthy in the work we do. The fruit of our work in ministry should be life abundant – not running on fumes heading towards burnout.